Contact us

contactMarie BERTHELOT | MAI Assistant
phone+33 (0) 7 63 11 54 43

contactChaveli BITSINDOU | MAI Assistant
phone+33 (0) 1 60 73 79 88

contactNahya OBYDOL | MAI Assistant

Organisational structure


Access by car

From Paris, via the highway A6 south, exit at Fontainebleau. You’re now on the N7, continue this road until you reach “Carrefour de l’obelisque” (obelisk roundabout). Take the fourth exit of the roundabout direction Montereau/Sens N6 (basically, you go almost straight forward). At the second roundabout, take the second exit (road D302) and at the next roundabout (100 meters) you turn right (first exit). Continue this road for 1 km and you’re at the EDF Renardières research site.

Access by train

The “Moret-Veneux” railway station can be reached by regular trains (at least every 30 minutes, more in rush-hours) from Paris Gare de Lyon.


Important note

To access the EDF R&D site, you need to bring your ID (passport, identity card number) with you, otherwise you will not be allowed to go through security.

Materials Ageing Institute


Avenue des Renardières – Ecuelles
77250 Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne

GPS coordinates

rue Volta, Ecuelles (77250)